Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dogs and Their Women Project

Today I'm announcing the start of a new photographic project that's been "talking to me" for quite some time. That being the nature of the relationships that exist between women and their canine companions. Come one guys, you know what I mean here! Do you share your couch or bed with a dog? Wink, wink!

To help me round out this project and make it as diverse as possible, I'm looking for "Dogs and Their Women" who can be photographed in the Southeastern Wisconsin area (within 40 - 50 miles one way), to volunteer to be photographed over the next year or two. Specifically, I'm looking for a diversity of dogs and women. Mixed and pure breeds, small to large dogs, and women of color and non-white ethnicities will help to round out these portraits. Dogs that hunt in the field, love trucks, do tricks, are companions to the elderly, lie around on couches and beds, dog park dogs, etc.

All volunteers will receive a signed 8 x 10 print and an opportunity to see your portrait in a gallery show, as well as in coffee table book that will be available for purchase. I'll be donating a portion of the proceeds to the Wisconsin Humane Society, where my two dogs were adopted from. If you live in upstate N.Y., Alaska or northeastern Florida, you are also encouraged to contact me as I visit those areas on a regular basis.

To volunteer or receive more information, please email me at: pmorsch@att.net or call: 414.550.5340

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Three's a Charm!

Nothing like a little "clean sweep" of one's office to discover some grand old photos! I was cleaning out some old CD's and found this one with scanned images of a camping trip I made with my sister and nephews when they were much younger. To give you an idea of how long I've been photographing, these guys are now bumping up against 30. Time flies whether you're having fun or not!

We had headed out to Warren Dunes to camp along the eastern shore of Lake Michigan. It was August, the sun was warm and the beautiful glow of early evening made for a great time to hike around the dunes. The dog is my first - Murphy, who helped me train for marathons. (That too was a while back!)

I think this image is representative of the kind of images I like to make of children from about 6 and up. That being - Kids being kids. They are at a stage in life where they are becoming, exploring, challenging, curious, soaking info. up like a sponge and learning to "kid around."

Their personalities are clearly evident when I view the image. One is an ex-Navy SEAL, one an aeronautical engineer and the other is in marketing. See if you can guess which one is which? In the meantime, enjoy their spirits that say, "life is good."