Thursday, April 15, 2010

Big and Little Personalities


My WINE and PAWs event, to help out homeless dogs, began a few days early when Kelly Dawson, owner of "sitting dogg"  ( came in with two of her dogs.  Ace, a 95# American Bulldog, is ALL muscle.  He pulled me around a couple of times when I tried to turn him around by his collar and I got to feel his pulling power!  A 'big boy' in size but a teddy bear by nature.  I can imagine what a cuddler he is.

His pack-mate, Woubai, is a small, red dog and reminded me of a friend's Norwegian Wunderhund.  Kelly told me that although he was small, he was the alpha.  All is equal in the dog world when a 15# dog rules the roost over a 95# dog that could take it out with one gulp!

Kerry and the boys arrived after a good, long walk to tire them out.  I had some shots in mind that didn't pan out but soon their energies began to settle and they acquiesced to their new surroundings.  A key to pet photography is patience, so sure enough, things started to mellow out.

Ace decided he liked the feel of my new animal skin-like material, while Woubai took a break on the couch and in mom's arms.  Kelly brought along a nice Pinot Grigio called Little Black Dress to trade.  The label has tiny, red high heels on it!  (You know how women love to try wines that have interesting labels.)

If you're looking for someone to take care of your dog in your home, give Kerry a call about her premier in home pet care! After watching her interact with Ace and Woubia, you're dogs will be in good hands!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dogs, Women and Their Interlinked Lives

Now that we've shaken off the winter and welcomed in the Spring, I've started work on my personal book project, Dogs and Their Women.  This us a book about women's relationships with their dog, and it uses both text and photos to communicate that relationship.  Last week, during an afternoon of heavy rain and clouds, I made my way to Eve's house to meet the incredible Oliver.

Oliver's a Cockapoo that melted my heart as soon as I saw him.  He's got these soulful eyes that announce is gentleness. Eve had him all combed up, as her groomer, upon hearing of my scheduled arrival, said 'bring him over for a quick comb."  I chuckled as it reminded me of my mom getting 'curled and combed out' before an evening on the town.

In spite of the rain, my job was to communicate what Eve and Oliver do together - talk!  Eve is a retired Sign Language Interpreter/Instructor and Oliver's been her student, ever since he arrived.  He knows something like 200 signs!  

My favorite was when Eve would sign - DANCE!  Oliver rose up on his sturdy back legs and would dance around.  His soft, fluffy ears flopped around as he danced.  What a joy dogs are in our lives!  As Oliver demonstrated his sign language ability, I spoke with Eve about dogs power of observation.  I think they are quick to recognize patterns and then learn based upon repetitive observation. Repetition is good for all us!

The book marches onward!  Volunteers are still coming forth so I'll have plenty of 'material' to work with.  My goal is to finish the shooting portion by the end of Summer, beginning of Fall.  Then it's the creative design phase.  Expect a Gallery Night show about this time next spring and that's when I launch the book!  (All proceeds from this project are going to WI Humane Society and WI German Shorthair Pointer Rescue, Inc.)