Thursday, August 13, 2009

Write YOUR Caption!

This is the first post in a long time as I've been super busy lately! Everyone of my product lines (children, families, seniors and canines) is keeping me in perpetual motion so I apologize for not keeping up here. Today, however, I've got some fun for you!

The above image was made yesterday when my kind neighbor asked me if I'd like a smoked chicken to take home. "A what," I asked? He proceeded to take off the top of his smoker/steamer and showed me these two chickens, perched perfectly atop a half filled can of beer.

I looked up at him with a purely mischievous look in my eye - "I'll be right back with my camera," I cried, as I ran down his driveway toward my house. While my legs were moving, so was my brain. I was coming up with a few captions that would fit this image. If one put it into the context of the recent Health Care debates one could come up with: "If this HR 3200 passes, we could be smoked." Or there was this one: "Did you bring the deck of cards?"

OK - have at it! Let's see what captions you all can come up with. So have fun, be irreverent, take a walk on the wild side - just keep it PG13 or you'll get me in trouble!