Monday, March 16, 2009

High Key "Dude"

Last week was a week for children's portraits in the studio! Four children with various personalities that put me through my paces. Meaning only that mom's and I work to keep things moving and everyone happy.

This little guy's been coming to the studio since he was 2 months old and each time he shows up, I know it's going to be a session with lots of expressions and antics. We had decided to use the white seamless background this time and throw in the color with his clothes. However, before we could get his top on, he started exploring on his own and that's what this image is all about.

I really like the white - on - white or high key look! Whether it's color or B&W (everyone has their favorite you know), it's just a clean look and the child's features can tell the story of their little spirit. It doesn't work for every child or situation but when it does, it's heaven to behold!

My next blog will be from Anchorage, AK and then it'll be off the grid for me! It's kind of like a an "electronic eclipse" where I'll be on the "dark side" of the moon - like the Apollo moon shots. No communication until I'm back on the "sun side." I'm not expecting any withdrawal symptoms from the disconnect!

Ta, Ta.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fall in the Wrangells

Just 3 more days and I'll be stepping back into a Winter Wonderland called Wrangell - St. Elias National Park in Alaska! I'm heading up for some winter photography. Crazy - yeah maybe. It's 7 degrees there this morning. But there's usually a reason for doing what we do. Mine is that I've been photographing in this area for 10 years and have never slipped a snow shoe on to do it. It's time to experience the late winter up there.

My food's already up there, as I'll be flying "in" on the single engine Cessna mail plane. In McCarthy/Kennicott, they receive mail twice a week so all the happy people standing around to meet the plane probably aren't there to greet me!

Then it's a snow machine (In AK, they're called machines because they use them to check trap lines and work, not generally for fun) ride to the cabin and some time spent stoking the wood stove. The food, you ask, it's all backpacking food because I shipped it up ahead of time.

Company? My year round neighbors live 200 yards away and I'll be dropping in on some dear friends. There's a planned sled dog ride out to the Nizina River and that's something I'm really looking forward to!

My feet and legs will be getting a workout as I'll be walking or snowshoeing to my photographic destinations. I plan on pulling a small, plastic sled with my gear, along in the snow behind me. Easy on the back that way!

Digital and film - I have access to solar power but if it fails, I'm covered with medium format film. For fun, I've got movies downloaded onto my laptop. If there's no power, there's always a book!

This image is the Gilihana Bridge along the McCarthy Road. It's a 60 mile dirt road that takes you into the heart of the Park. It'll sure look different at this time of the year and from the air!