Wednesday, February 22, 2006

New Tricks

Had to go find some snow and Vermont fit the bill! Cross-country, downhill and some snowshoeing to boot. When's the last time you've tried something new? Walked the edges of life a little? Taken a dare? I was a diehard X-country kind of gal but after a couple of lesson on the "bunnyhill", I was cutting turns with zero face plants! Feeling like I was 10 again and nothing could touch me! Learning new tricks and taking risks does wonders for getting my creatvity flowing! Now I'm applying those "new trick" lessons to creating some amazing new distinctive products for my clients. Learning new software - I don't have to worry about falling when sitting in the chair!). Letting those creative juices flow. Stay tuned - but in the meantime, get out there and take some creative risks. Try something new, and oh, watch out for those face plants.