Friday, March 03, 2006

Murray the cat

Just completed a GREAT creative session with a woman and her cat Murray. She was nothing short of wonderful to work with - lots of spunk, totally herself in front of the camera and easy to direct. But Murray, he was a cool cat! He struted his stuff around the studio, checking it out while talking to us. He really stole the show with his green eyes! A little ham, he was. Not bothered by the strobes going off, he too gave me his best. I just loaded up the images and I can't wait to get to the editing - soooo many good ones!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A Hole

Once and a while something happens that leaves you feeling sad. Today that was saying goodbye to a 99 year old neighbor that's going to live with his daughter. Yes, the move is necessary, as he's been failing over the last few years, but I will miss him! As a survivor of the days of Hitler, Erwin was a grand storyteller of life in Germany in the last 1930's. He is a man that laces every visit with a compliment and a wink. When my intuition called about 5 years ago, I made some lasting portraits of him. The wrinkles, the smile, the twinkle in his eye - all on film. Thanks for your presence Erwin, I'll miss you and pray for a marvelous journey!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Inspirational Tune-up

After hitting the National PPA conference in late Jan. it was off to the Wisconsin PPA conference this weekend for another cup of insipration! Besides the speakers, who always fill you with ideas, there was the chance to kick back and have some fun with some friends. Wow - how photography has changed!

One speaker said that he felt that 2 things have changed our world over time; modern medicine and photography. I absolutely agree! We are a visual society. Where stories used to be handed down verbally through storytelling, photography has become the modern storytelling language. You can't turn around without seeing an image or 2 or 3. . .

From photojournalistic weddings, to fashion, to travel, to nature, to sports, and portrait photography - photographers are the storytellers of the world. I'm sooo glad I do this as my job! Interact with people, see them smile (sometimes cry) and love what you do for them. It doesn't get any better than being a visual storyteller!