Thursday, October 01, 2009

This One's For You

While I was working on some images to show a client on Saturday, I had to stop and just have a good belly laugh at this image. I present it to all of you to embed into your grey matter and retrieve it on those days that are exceptionally trying. When you've had it "up to here," and you're ready to throw in the towel, when the kids are pulling you in all directions or when the work load has reached the "dangerous" level.

Just pull out your imaginary tutu, add the flowered hat, push that belly out and with a full breath, let it rip!

There, don't you feel better now? I hope you had a good laugh.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Under the Light

Yesterday was a windy day in the upper Midwest. The cold front was setting up to blow through during the early evening hours and the wind made me worried about my upcoming Senior Portrait session in the afternoon. I wondered if Sasha would have longer hair that would twist in the wind and make our outdoor session a challenge. Thankfully, her hair was pulled back and we dealt with the stray strands as best as we could.

As we approached this building, I visualized an image I had not made before. I love it when that happens! It's a wonderful feeling to have one's intuitive channels open, receiving little messages that come and then following them. "Let the wind be damned," I thought. We're going to try something different! Sasha was ready and open to my suggestion. I'll know tomorrow night if she likes it, when she arrives for her View and Choose session.

I love the divergent lines of the building, the red color and the lone, white, rusted light above her. Add in the color balance of the white top and old light and I think it works. Not for a yearbook photo, but definitely for a Graduation Announcement card next spring. Way to go Sasha!