Monday, May 26, 2008

The Salute

We are lucky in Milwaukee to have a National Cemetery for our fallen veterans. It is Wood Memorial National Cemetery in West Allis and on this holiest of military days, hundreds gather to visit the graves of our war veterans and partake in the events honoring their service. Servicemen and women, as well as the spouses of those that served, are buried here. They hail from every state in the union.

Certain graves stood out because they were marked by wreaths of purple flowers for those that had earned the honor of Purple Heart. This site was a soldier from the 82nd Airborne Division - a much respected assignment in the Army. People were stopping to read the grave stone when this Young Marine came by. Knowing the power of an image, I asked him to salute the grave. He respected my wish and simultaneously showed his respect for a soldier who sacrificed.

I share this image to honor all our veterans; especially my father and nephew.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Burst My Bubble

The weather's getting warmer and soon I'll be taking my children, family and senior portraits outdoors. As a photographer in Milwaukee, WI, it's a much revered season! There's nothing like finding a special location outdoors to photograph people in.

Before I head outside, however, I wanted to share a fun portrait of a 20 month old made in my studio (PEGGY MORSCH life photography). When photographing children, I usually like to try to think like one. Some times that's real easy!

So blowing some bubbles is usually a good way to solicit a "wonderment" look in a child. (Don't you just love that "everything is wide-eyed new" look in a child?) Sure enough, with his Michigan State teddy bear sitting next to him, I was able to make this well timed portrait, just as he was about to burst my bubble!

If it's not too windy, maybe I could do this outside too! Enjoy this holiday weekend!