Monday, August 14, 2006

Summer Days

August days of summer are here! While things are crazy busy around here with senior photos, families and kids, I've had some time to have fun in my home town in western NY. I was back home for a class reunion and made some time to photograph some young friends who reminded me what being a kid was all about.

Growing up in a rural area, we'd race around town on our bikes, play in the woods, make pick-up baseball games, build forts and do it all without adult supervision. FREEdom with a capital "F." But some of my best memories have to do with water. Going to the lake to swim, slalom ski and just hang out with friends in the sun. It seemed like summer was forever then.

So when I saw this image I had made of my two young friends, I was taken back in time. A time of no responsibilities, a little sun and lots of water! Remember how you'd stay in the water so long that your skin would start to pucker? Summer. . .