Thursday, October 08, 2009

An "Ah Ha" Moment

This week I'm spending some time in Vermont, chasing some fall foliage, and if you're a regular follower of my blog, you won't believe what happened! It's rained everyday! Now that wouldn't be a big deal, normally, but wherever I've gone this year, hoping to make some nice nature photographs or travel images, it's rained.

What I really wanted to share with you, besides the weather, is that I had a little learning experience today. I connected the dots today about working with natural light on cloudy days. I had been hiking through the wide, ski trials here, looking for areas of bright, red, maple leaves where they would have blown down in last night's wind storm. Although I saw lots of red leaves, I didn't find any strong compositions.

I came back out of the woods and followed another deer trail along the woods. There I saw bright, red Maple leaves and a nice, solid White Birch tree, anchored by wispy grasses, that were being thrown about by the afternoon's breeze. I made a few different compositions but liked this one.

The other images are quintessential Vermont!