Wednesday, July 02, 2008

One Small Leap . . .

I've photographed a lot of dog breeds over the years but I've never had the chance to photograph one special canine breed - the Rough-Coated Jack Russell Terrier. It was such a fun treat for me to photograph Ashley, a 7 year old, power packed Jack!

She can fly! At one point I was photographing her running and I had to stop and change the camera controls to get a faster shutter speed to stop her in mid-air stride. Wow! Too bad she doesn't do Flyball - she'd be good!

But what I loved about Ashley was just how sweet she was! From the time we greeted each other, she was mine. I let her into my car to sniff the scents of my two dogs and from then on, we were buddies! For such an active breed of dog, she did anything I asked her do. Of all the great images her owners will get to soon see, this one stuck in my heart. I feel a sense of mutual respect in this image.

Lying in front of her owners and just barely looking over the taller grass, Ashley and I understood each other. Despite the "big glass eye" of the long lens, which can make many an animal nervous, she is calm/assertive - right at home between me and her owners. Good guard dog Ashley! Thanks for the play date!