Thursday, January 21, 2010

Valentine's Day & Love Quote Books

Not sure anyone else is feeling this way but I'm amazed how quickly January has gone by! Imaging USA, my birthday, some cold weather and bam - it's almost Valentine's Day. During this month, I've been working on some phenomenal new products and here's the first unveiling; just in time for gift giving to your honey!

My clients have been telling me that they don't have much room on their walls to hang their moving portraits so I've created a wonderful way to build a "Family Library" of images and your kids 'words of wisdom'. Books!

My Love Quotes books are very personalized 10x10 books of text and romantic, fun images. However, your kids supply the text! From the mouth of babes. . . You and your honey book a session for the images! Just collect their words about love and marriage (I'll supply the questions), and I'll work my magic and include them in the book with images of just you and your honey. Three custom designs to choose from to suit your style!

Imagine, as your children grow, and your relationship with your Valentine deepens, you'll look back at these words and images and most likely cry. That's good! You'll remember those little voices that spoke their words of wisdom and will be overjoyed that you've recorded them for your family to keep for generations.

Here's what you need to do: Call or email me and I'll tell you about the simple, 3 step process. More importantly, tell your spouse it will be just a 30" session, and oh yeah, WITHOUT the kids!