Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cognitive Challenges and MS

Often times we read books and think "Wow, what a great book this author has written." But when the author is your neighbor, it's more like "WOW."

Jeffrey N. Gingold now has two books under his belt about the cognitive challenges of Multiple Sclerosis with the newly released, "Mental Sharpening Stones," a hopeful book about prominent individuals that have thrived in their personal and professional lives while learning how to navigate the unpredictable cognitive waters that those with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) find themselves swimming in.

As a peer-support volunteer for the Wisconsin MS Society, Jeffrey continues to educate not only those with MS but also those who treat individuals with MS. Physicians, therapists, family and friends will all benefit from reading this book! One can "walk in their shoes" by reading about the challenges each of his "guests" overcome and live with. From Richard Cohen, famed New York TImes writer and TV producer to Montel Williams to Mary Mullarkey, Chief Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court, each person shares how they keep their mental stones sharpened.

I applaud Jeffrey for opening doors for those who live with MS and making us ALL realize that the challenges of MS are often cognitive and not just physical. For those of us free of MS, it's easy & common to assume that if someone appears well, then they must be doing OK. His book, while offering a glimpse in the cognitive challenges of those with MS face daily, it gives practical steps to take to "exercise" the brain and keep those neurons challenged. I found the "mental sharpening stones" to be great advice for everyone as we age.

Thanks Jeffrey for asking me to photograph you for this great book!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pump Those Legs!

Want to get in cycling shape quickly? Join a cycling trip with Two Bikes and a Map ( and ride 350 miles in 6 days. Throw in a lot of rolling terrain, mile long hills, a steady headwind, and in no time, you're in shape!

Here's a few photos to let you get the idea of this Northwoods Tour from Ashland to Galesville WI. There's Curtis and Betty - one's 13 and the other is 80. Betty's had a hip replacement but it doesn't slow her down one bit. You go girl! Curtis was one of the younger riders at 13.

Along the way we got to use the Porta Potty/ATM/Bar. A tight squeeze for all three but where else can you get money to buy/drink beer and get rid of the overflow? Gotta love someone's sense of humor that placed the Porta Potty there.

So now that I'm in shape for cycling, you can bet I'll be out there a lot more on these summer days. May there only be tailwinds!