Thursday, March 27, 2008

"Pay Attention to the Small Pictures"

A few days ago I had the fun role of photographing a young girl for her First Holy Communion. "It's a lot different than your school pictures, isn't it," I said. She nodded "yes" and off we went to have fun!

A dress and veil always give you some nice details to bring out and then suddenly I heard the voice, "Photograph her shoes!" I followed that intuitive voice and this is what what resulted.

The funny thing is that the next day I started reading Joe McNally's new book, "The Moment It Clicks." He's a gifted photographer and his work has enlightened the pages of National Geographic and many others magazines. ( I came across one little chapter where he talked about rounding out a pictorial story with "something small, intimate, telling." It didn't need to be "the best, nor the prettiest picture of the take, just the most important."

I thought back to this image and smiled. I had done it!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Gone Fishing!

Today found me doing some "cleaning" of files. It's sooo important to manage all those digital images we shoot these days. I came across some images I made last May in Cape May, while at a Professional Photographers of America week long school. It was great to get to see them again!

I've uploaded 4 of them onto the "Outside" portfolio on my website but here's one that I think most of us Wisconsinites can relate to in late March! As we now await yet another snowstorm (I"m NOT making this up!) that could give us 6 more inches of the white, wet stuff, I thought you'd all like putting yourself in this photo. Add a beer and I think you'll forget all about the weather forecast. Can't you feel those fish nibbling??