Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Certified Professional Photographer Submissions

Today was the day to submit my 20 images to the Professional Photographers of America for review to hopefully earn my Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) accreditation.  It was a fun exercise to go back through 2 years of images and pick ones that met the criteria laid out by the judging panel.

As I perused my files, I found this one, and since it will soon be First Holy Communion time,  parents will be calling me to record this occasion. I thought you'd like to hear about the story behind this photograph.

This boy is my 'backyard neighbor."  I usually hear him and the other kids in the neighborhood during the summer months, when they tear around having a great time in imaginative play.  It always reminds me of the fun I had as a child, playing with the kids in my neighborhood.  So when he showed up in my studio, all dressed up in a suit and tie, with those big, wide eyes to match, I felt the contrast of an innocent, young communicate and the fun, active second grader I knew.  It's funny how clothes can change behavior.

His uncle is a priest so I knew he would be well versed in what was about to occur in his life.  So after making some other images, I decided to go for the drama in my lighting, to show the innocence and piety that goes along with one's First Holy Communion.  Standing above him while he sat on  stool, I helped get the rosary just right in his hands.  Then we got his hands and the cross just right.  I asked him to look up at me so I could see how everything looked, and at that moment, I knew I had the image I was after.  It was true; simple, straightforward, aligned and who could miss those eyes and that innocence!

His mother LOVED it!  Of course she would.  I often hear mothers say that they wished they'd had photographs made when their sons were this age.  When they were still innocent, soft in their features and open to the world.  What's stopping you moms?  Call me about mini-sessions so you can have the images of a quickly passing time in your child's life!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Senior Models - Now's Your Time!

The studio's now undergoing a make-over! Yahoo! The carpenter comes tomorrow to install my new motorized background system, which will add 5 years to my life and make things move along faster in the PEGGY MORSCH life photograph studio. Now I can't wait for the new Volcanic background to come! I've also been adding some new textures to one of the walls, and on Wednesday, I'll be yielding a paintbrush to bring it to life. It's going to be lucious!

But before I get ahead of myself and get all excited about the new stuff I'm playing with, I need to send out a CALL FOR MODELS. So anyone from the Class of 2011 that gets a hold of this, contact me via my website ( to ask for an application for 'Team Peggy.' You'll be an important part of me trying out my new backgrounds and styles for the 2011 class. You'll be rewarded for your efforts and yes, you'll be able to be photographed outdoors once the summer weather arrives.

When you contact me, I'll email you an application. It must be returned by March 19, 2010. Then after your Easter break, when you've had a chance to go south and get a real tan, I'll photograph you. Com'on, you know you want to do it!

Check out this video of the Class of 2010! You too can be part of 'Team Peggy!'