Friday, June 12, 2009

Doggy Opera

Every once in a while you come across a dog that's got a special talent. Today was that day! It was the day I got to photograph Holly and her vocally gifted Rudy, a mixed breed Terrier. Holly, a talented musician, told me that Rudy likes to sing when she plays certain songs and I chuckled while envisioning this phenomenon. However, thinking about it and experiencing it are two different things.

As part of my Dogs and Their Women project, I arrived at Holly's with this image in mind. At first, Rudy preferred to play with his stuffed toy or me. Belting out a tune was far from his mind. But we knew patience was the posture to assume when working with animal talent! Then Holly and her musical partner, Jim, on the guitar, (my banjo teacher) struck up a particularly joyful song and Rudy went over to a new spot on the floor and starting belting out the chorus! Aaarrroooo! Aaroroooo!

Thrusting his head back and belting out a howl that wolves would have picked up in a heartbeat, Rudy's primordial genetic material kicked in and you could almost say he was in a little trance, as his body softened and his movements slowed.

Rudy's lucky that he's got nice music to listen and sing to. When I practice my banjo, my Coonhound leaves the room! Perhaps with a little more practice I can get my Coonhound to howl. Watch out Rudy, you'll have competition then!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Everyone Wants Mom's Attention

I'm having so much fun with my Dogs & Their Women project! This past weekend I wandered out to West Allis to spend some time with Jenelle, her 2.5 yr old daughter Alyson and Lily (Great Dane) and Kross (Doberman). Everyone was easy to be with! Little Alyson brought out her own dog, Fido, and as we talked, Lily stretched her body out and over Jenelle's legs. So easy for a Great Dane to do!

Well Kross had to wiggle in there and get his own bit of attention as well - see him closest to Jenelle? This image reminded me of the quote often seen about dogs being children that never grow up. Just like kids, they love attention, especially when there's company around!

I love this image because I think it describes an everyday scene of mothers who have young children and a dog or two. You can feel the warmth and love that Jenelle showers on those she loves! It's an image that will work wonderfully in my book about Dogs & Their Women.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Batter Up!

What can be more fun that watching a Little League game on a warm, summer night? Photographing one!

Little League baseball had it's official "opening" last Friday night, when the thermometer actually hit 80 degrees! What a joy to sit outside in shorts and a short sleeved shirt to photograph my 3 young neighbors who all play on the same team - the Pirates! It was great fun to follow them through the camera lens and record them throwing, running and batting. They are growing up quickly!

There was one particular rule at this level of Little League that I thought was interesting. If the ball was in the infield, you could raise your hand up (if you had the ball) and that meant 'time out.' Every movement stopped to allow the kids to process what had happened and think through to the next batter and what might happen - i.e. where to throw the ball to get an out.

"WOW," I thought, "wouldn't it be great if in real life you could throw your hand into the air for a little 'time out' to get your bearings and go on with your life?" "Stop everybody! I've got the ball and my hand is up in the air! STOP!" Just then, this young, talented boy stepped up to the plate and swung his bat like a pro. He snapped me back into reality as I made this shot.

It was fun to be a kid again, if only vicariously.