Saturday, March 07, 2009

Liquid Gold meets Situational Awareness

This morning I laid my Vitamin D3 and Fish Oil down on the countertop and readied my breakfast. Quite a typical routine, nothing unusual. But then I noticed the light on the gel caps . . . S.T.O.P (Stop, Think, Observe, Plan) Yes, I did eat my breakfast but then got out my 200mm macro lens with a 3T dipoter & tripod and went to work.

It is just amazing to me how many different ways you can photograph something! I spent 45" with my vitamins! Now THAT's bonding! Actually, these little "critters" have been a lifeline to me. They've boosted my immune system, done away with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD - what an appropriate acronym!) and keeping my natural killer cells hopping.

OK - so now you know I've gone over the edge when I stop to photograph vitamin gel caps. Actually, it was the light that "made me do it." After reading "The Survivor's Club," I recalled the term "situational awareness." i.e. being aware, at all times, of what you're taking in through your senses. Think of a birder and their auditory awareness as an example.

I think that we photographers have great visual "situational awareness." By this I mean that we "make" images whether we have a camera in hand or not. In fact, I think one of the reasons I like to drive is because I see images wherever I go! (My dogs like it too!)

So I'm sure there's other photographers, birders, security people, etc out there that would chime in with their S.A. (situational awareness) stories. Let's hear them . . .

Monday, March 02, 2009

Let It Snow

I just received a photo of a fellow photographer in Maryland, standing outside in the snow, with a snow shovel in hand. He asked if anyone else was dealing with "this." What good timing!

I had just made an image of the fluffy, lake effect snow that just keeps coming today. After I shoveled 12" to get ready for my client to arrive, I made this image to catch the "humor" of the moment. Today's snow is beautiful and the sun keeps popping in and out of the clouds. However, I realize that not everyone likes it. Pretty soon I start hearing my neighbors say, "When are you going to take that flag down?"

Now it's time for the 2nd snow shoveling shift!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

"Oh My Gosh!"

Today was the start of my professional photo lab's annual Children's Portrait Contest and with the help of an enthusiastic neighbor and mom, we had fun making some images that really capture a stage in her life. Piper LOVES Pippi Longstocking books! The day we planned the creative session, Piper brought me 2 "Pippi" books and with one look at the cover of the books, I had my idea.

Kate, her mom, did a great job with her hair and makeup and the rest was ALL Piper! From one expression to the next, she had us all laughing. "Can I see it?," she'd ask. I'd show it to her in the back of the camera and then we'd try another idea.

She did so well with following my directions and I'm sure she and her mom are going to love this image! These moments don't last for very long but when it's time to look back, this image will bring LOTS of smiles. Real life; real kids!

Now I have to ask to borrow the book!