Monday, June 09, 2008

The Sun Shone on Them

The wrinkles on my hands have faded from cleaning up water in the problem corner of the basement and it's been 2 days since I've had to retreat to said basement with my dogs, external hard drives (with important wedding/portrait images), and other personal effects to avoid playing "Dorothy" in a tornado warning.

We've had 6-8" of rain in a 2-3 day period and some lakes in Wisconsin have decided to empty and become rivers. Picture that! So I feel fortunate that all is OK at my house.

All this water got me thinking about the last day of beautiful sun and warmth that "rained" down on us. It was for the wedding of Christine and Bjorn! They were lucky to have the sun shine down on their special day and I was lucky to be able to photograph them with my most able assistant, Julie Zahn. What a team we were that day! All I need to do is look at this image to feel not only the sun's warmth, but the warmth of their love for each other. Congrats and that's for the sun!