Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Holiday Cards Galore!

This time of year finds me busy with Holiday card orders from sessions during the summer and fall. If you're thinking it's too late to have a professional photo done and get it out in time for the Holidays, YOU'RE WRONG.

With over 25 different card templates to choose from, I'm sure to have something that will make you beam when you send out your cards! I'll be accepting photo session appointments right up until Christmas/Hanukkah because it's become a new trend for people to send out New Year's cards.

So rather than feel the pressure or worry that you've missed the timing for this year, RELAX, because you've still got time to schedule a creative session either in your home or my studio AND get a holiday card out. So if you're off around Thanksgiving time, get out your calendar and head to:


and get your session scheduled. Then you too can have a beautiful, custom holiday card ready to send out to your dear friends and loved ones.

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