Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Portrait Gifts and Snow

Ahh, it is finally here! This is the weekend that the PEGGY MORSCH life photography Elf can kick back and have a little fun! FedEx Santa has made his last delivery of custom portraits and the Chief Elf has them nicely packaged for her clients to take home to their loved ones. What could be better than watching all the smiles that form on their faces or listening to the "Oh, these are beautiful," words that they exclaim?

Well, OK, maybe a little snow would make it all seem a little more like Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa, but the meteorologists sent that weather pattern a bit more East. The Elf should just be happy that she doesn't have to shovel 20" of snow! See, there's always something to be grateful for, especially during the Holidays.

So even if there's no snow on the ground on our side of Milwaukee, I have my photographic memories of other years, where kids were out having fun in the snow in my neighborhood. So as client after client comes to get their beautiful portraits, the Chief Elf gets a nice feeling knowing that the gift of memories will live on in these portraits for years to come.

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