Monday, March 17, 2008

Self Portrait

A group of photographers that I know, recently were challenged to make a new self-portrait. Yes, every once in a while, we photographers need to step around IN FRONT of the camera, just so we can experience what our clients feel like. Since I'm not one to back down from the challenge, I began to plan my portrait.

I was in Hawaii when the "challenge" came through so a tropical theme sprang into my grey matter. I took one look at the snorkel equipment and a portrait was born! But I needed help to pull this one off. Timing an elevator door to open at just the right time that your self-timer on the camera goes off, seemed to be a mountain too big to climb.

I gave the camera to Kathy and invited this couple to ride along for the fun. You should have seen the look on their face when the elevator door opened and there I stood in my snorkel gear!! I'm sure they wondered if they should get on. But they played along with the crazy lady and another self-portrait was made.

The icing on the cake was when I emailed it to my mom and sister, they cracked up over it. Then I KNEW it was a hit! Enjoy!

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