Thursday, January 08, 2009

A Sad Day

I've not blogged in a long time. Too heavy of a heart on these first days of a new year. First it was finish the Christmas orders, Holidays with family, and then help my mom drive to Florida. Amidst this holiday bustle, my close friend of 91 years began to fail. As I had helped Anne write her advanced directives, it was, unfortunately, time to execute them.

She entered the wonderful care that hospice offers on Christmas Eve day. No longer eating or drinking much of anything, she had let us know that she was done with this side of her life. A decisive former SEC stockbroker, the first female in WI to earn an SEC license, she had made her mind up it was her time and today she died.

She picked a time that I was away, still with my mom in Florida. I'm glad to have spoken to her 1.5 days ago to say I loved her and tell her goodbye. She told me the same.

So with a thankfulness for knowing Anne for 10 years, I plan her memorial service. How the heck will I be able to get up and talk about her? Typing is even difficult when tears fill your eyes. I'll tell her Marshfield "friends" that Anne and I met in dog training class. We each had 6 month old puppies and I found out she lived 4 blocks from me. At 81 she had a puppy and with a bad hip, had trouble bending over to praise and treat her Schnoodle (Schnauzer/Poodle) Morgan. We took turns helping her and I began to check in on her and help her out with whatever she couldn't do.

Above, on the right is Anne. She and her sister Betty started the Marshfield Community Foundation as a way to honor the lives of their parents. Their original $25,000 Challenge Grant has grown to 3.3 million and benefits groups and students in the Marshfield area.

Anne was special and I'll miss her company! I have a nice image of Anne that I made with her dog Morgan that I'll have to post when I get back to home base. You'll like it!

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