Saturday, January 24, 2009

Middle Age Birthdays

Mid-January and my birthday has once again passed. Another one successfully celebrated and no one got hurt! Just kidding, but when it's -40 degree wind chills on your birthday, one must be careful.

I read a great quote the other day about birthdays because I was working on a friend's custom photo book and needed some quotes to fill with the images. I was fortunate to help her celebrate in the middle of the San Juan Islands on a 37 foot boat! How cool is that?! This was all in August and I just finished her book that I'll give to her to remember all the fun we had over her birthday. There was one quote that I found particularly funny:

The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down.
- T.S. Eliot

So since the death of my friend Anne, a 91 year old woman of Danish descent, and the passing of another birthday, I've had some time to contemplate the "ticking of the life clock." Of course, January's a great month for this activity!

Besides the usual cardiorespiratory fitness, along with flexibility and core strength, I think that having "new adventures" in one's life is vital. Add in both younger and older friends, some spirituality and a solid purpose for living, and I think it'll see you through many fine years. Then, of course, don't drink and drive, look both ways when crossing the street, and hope Chester Sullenberger ("Sully") is always in the cockpit when you fly and you should bet all set.

My Aunt, who is also 91, just moved from the house she's lived in for the past 50 years to be closer to her daughter. She also said it was time for a new adventure. Perhaps that's why she's 91?

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