Thursday, August 20, 2009

Foggy Family Portrait

The other day we had a little warm air blowing over the cooler waters of Lake Michigan, creating fog along the lakeshore area. When I went down to the Lake to prepare for a family portrait, there was a good bank of fog that called out to me, "get creative Peg - work with it!" I was all set up to go when the family arrived, and after a little chit chat, the fog had walked back out onto the lake and the sun started shining through. "Try working with that now!", the fog called out.

Not one to turn down a challenge OR disappoint a family, we patiently waited, while the Lake "breathed" the fog in and out. After working a spot for a while, we walked down to the beach and played some more. When it cleared a little, we had the most beautiful light at 3:00 in the afternoon! For a moment I felt like I was near the ocean.

Mom & Dad are going to love these images, as their family is about see their oldest off to college.

Remember how quickly the dynamics of your family can change and don't forget to visually document it! Photos live on as records for future generations to treasure.

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