Friday, August 21, 2009

Polka Dots

The other day I had the pleasure to photograph 3 siblings - 2 boys and 1 girl. The sun was out, the creek was running and everyone was having a good time. Then the sunglasses and hats came out. Oh boy! What fun when you're young and there's something new to play with!

Celia loved the sunglasses! You can see it here in this image - throwing her head back and laughing. Do you remember how the world looked the first time you wore sunglasses? I start to giggle when I look at this image.

As for hats, they can be hit or miss. What's that strange thing on my head? Fortunately, she enjoyed it - especially when her older brothers had on hats as well.

I love how these images complement each other. One harsh from the contrasty light and the other soft, made in the shade kind of look. What's fun is that they captured Celia as she is - a vibrant two year old.

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