Friday, January 15, 2010

Why Be Certified as a Professional Photographer?

Having just returned from Imaging USA, in Nashville, TN, where approximately 10,000 photographers (both domestic and foreign) came together to see, touch, and learn about the craft of photography, I thought about why it was so important to me that I become Certified, and how I would communicate that to you. My answer came to me in an email this morning. But before I share that with you, let me describe what "Certified" means.

Certifiably nuts, yes, you might say that about me, but Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) is an earned honor from the Professional Photographers of America (PPA). Like other professions, you must pass a written exam and then submit a body of work (20 images) to a panel of judges, all of whom have earned the title Master Craftsmen. Once Certified, you must renew every five years by submitting new work. The CPP demonstrates to the general public that you have achieved a level of competence within your profession. Think CPA for an accountant and you're on the right track.

As I've just completed the written exam, after a blistering 3-day review class at Imaging USA, I await the results. I am now working on which 20 images I will submit for the judges review. These 20 images must be work that I've done for my clients - that would be 'yawl', to borrow a phrase from Nashville.

So this morning I received this in an email. In the eyes of the public, it makes a difference when hiring a professional.

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